Lincoln County Data and Insights
Lincoln County is located in central eastern Washington State. Of the 39 counties in Washington, Lincoln is the 7th largest by land area at 2,311 square miles. The county is bounded to the north by Stevens, Ferry, and Okanogan Counties; to the west by Grant County; to the south by Adams and Whitman Counties; and to the east by Spokane County. The City of Spokane in Spokane County is the nearest urban area for the east half of the county. Spokane is the wholesale and retail trade and service center for the 80,000-square-mile Inland Northwest. The City of Moses Lake in Grant County is the nearest urban area for the west half of the county. Moses Lake is a growing industrial hub with a growing population and the amenities that come with job growth.
We offer a wide range of services to help you achieve your economic goals. Our team is passionate about inspiring growth and development in the region. From market research to business planning, we have the expertise to help you succeed.